Tuesday, July 29, 2014

God’s Truth Brings Transformation

Three of the five consultants who participated today in the Lower Primary consultation meeting on Honesty, had test taught the first module on Truth. We gave them an opportunity to share some highlights from their first ever experience in teaching VEC (Values Education Class). The stories they told, and especially their smile and glow, were so encouraging. Let me share just two:
Joyce a 12 year old in a Primary Two class is easily the tallest and oldest student and felt anything but special. When her teacher, Justine, taught the Truth lesson “You are special,” her incredulous response was, “Me special?  But that’s not what my family says.” Justine continued, “But God says you are special, let’s look at His Word the Bible….” That lesson changed Joyce, according to her teacher. Her attitude and behavior have been transformed by the truth that she is special to God. She is motivated to do her best because she is special. She keeps her desk neat now, because she is special.
Another test teacher recounted that when she offered to teach the Truth module at a nearby school, the Headmistress chose a Primary Three Class that was known for their rowdiness. The transformation in that class just after 6 weekly lessons was nothing short of amazing—the kids loved the songs and stories, and begged the test teacher to return and teach again. The Headmistress thanked her for teaching and has given an open invitation to return and teach Values to more classes.
Yes, God’s Word…especially when taught by God’s children…makes a difference! Praise God and pray that this program/curriculum will indeed be taught in many schools throughout East Africa and bring much glory to our God...the God Who considers each person as “special.”

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

The House Exchange

Our master-mind God never fails to amaze us with His ways! As you may know, God used two of our Canadian missionary friends in the Philippines to connect us (albeit a bit indirectly) with Uganda. People from their ministry continue to spend several months in Uganda serving on behalf of children at risk and they make their base about 2 hours east of us.
As you know, about two months ago, we were startled to learn that Laura’s book, The Forbidden Book, was being published and would be launched. We made plans to return, driven in part by the desire to visit our two VOICE Philippine co-workers who were battling cancer. Meanwhile our friends confirmed their dates for Ugandan ministry and we were a bit chagrined to realize that our Philippine trip would happen while they were here in Uganda. Once they knew we were coming to the Philippines, they asked a couple they know well who are currently in Canada if we could stay in their home…and an invitation was generously extended.
Before we left for the Philippines, our friend and a Filipino coworker spent a night with us and some plans were made for them to use our house a couple of nights before we returned to Uganda. Once we were in the Philippines, it became evident that they needed the use of our house for a longer time, not only for them but a doctor's family (5 Filipinos) who were serving with them for a short time! As it turns out, our home became a “refuge’ for our friend to do some unexpected and urgent written communication work! So while we enjoyed the use of the house they arranged for us in the Philippines, they enjoyed the use (and quietness) of our house in Uganda. To top it off, they met us at the Entebbe airport (another coworker of theirs arrived about 30 minutes before we did on another flight!) and brought us back “home” while they continued on to their base further east. Who could figure all that out but God!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

God Is SO Good

We praise God for His perfect time to return to the Philippines for the Philippine Bible Society's launch of two titles, including "The Forbidden Book."  One hundred and twenty years ago when the Philippines was still under the Spanish, the common people were forbidden to read the Bible.  "The Forbidden Book" tells some of the story of God's amazing work through mainly Filipinos, who risked freedom and life itself to obtain, read, and study the Word of God.  The Launch was attended by 140 people and included worship, fellowship, food, and a prayer of dedication for God's glory from the book's distribution.
Our June 27 evening arrival in Manila was just in time to join the Saturday morning funeral and burial of "Kuya" (older brother) Tony.  Although groggy from our travel from Africa, our presence and interaction with family seemed deeply appreciated.  We were able to spend significant time with the family during two visits to the home of Kuya Tony.  Only eternity will reveal the influence Kuya Tony's vision had on us and the impact of the VIC (Values Instruction Classes), named such by Kuya.  Right up to the last hours of his life here on this earth, when words failed him, he would write "God is good" time and time again.
Being in Manila seemed so familiar, and we were able to stay in a lovely apartment in Quezon City, kindness of friends of friends.  Reconnecting with friends, god-children, churches, VOICE Philippines, Pastors, and missionaries was a great blessing.  We were able to hear some first hand reports of how God continues to use VOICE Philippines.  Friday, July 11 at the monthly, VIP (VOICE In Prayer) we were able to share a devotional and update our friends on how God is working in East Africa, especially Uganda.
God gave safety in all our travels and even surprised us bumping us up to Business Class on the Dubai-Entebbe part of the journey, and allowed our luggage to arrive with us despite a close call in Hong Kong.  Today we were delighted to reunite with and hear reports from Susan, Administrative Assistant for VOICE East Africa.  In spite of immediately jumping into life here including dealing with a defective/dead car battery, we thankfully embrace the purpose and life God has given us here in Uganda.  God is SO good, praise Him.