Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Tribute to Kuya Tony

Brief explanation: “Kuya” means older brother in Tagalog; although we are older than “Kuya” Tony, we used it as a term of endearment and respect for someone we very much admired and appreciated. Laura and I have worked with Kuya Tony in several different ministries spanning about 20 of our 28 years in the Philippines, with the last nine years being in VOICE Philippines. Two months ago we heard that Kuya Tony was diagnosed with cancer. Of course, we were shocked and saddened and joined many in praying that God would bring healing and extend his life and much-needed ministry. When we received the exciting news that The Forbidden Book was finally being published and the book launching date was set for July 9, we decided to return to the Philippines…largely driven by our desire to express our thanks and appreciation to Kuya Tony as well as see so many others we love and served with, including a second VOICE staff member, Lot, who is undergoing cancer treatment. We booked our tickets and counted the days till we would see him again…but two days before we left, the totally unexpected news arrived that Kuya had finished his race on earth. We then learned that VOICE would conduct the last night of his wake, Friday evening, and were asked if we could participate in that program. Unfortunately, we were arriving that evening fairly late and with Friday night traffic and jet lag, etc., we felt it was unwise to aim for that. Instead, we wrote this tribute (below) and emailed it to be read that evening as part of the service. (Later we heard that the service was packed out and although it went late, all who attended were blessed by the testimonies, sharing, and message by the VOICE Philippine Board Chairman, also a pastor.) Although we were disappointed that we were not able to talk with Kuya Tony again in person, we are so grateful that God orchestrated it so that we were able to attend his funeral and burial the morning after we arrived.
Tribute to Kuya Tony
Proverbs 29:18: Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepth the law, happy is he. (KJV)
The NIV puts that verse this way: Where there is no revelation, people cast off restraint; but blessed is the one who heeds wisdom's instruction.
Kuya Tony was a remarkable man. There are many aspects of his life and character that we deeply appreciate, but if we had to sum everything up in three words, we’d choose:
Vision, Passion, Perseverance
Humanly speaking there would be no VOICE Philippines nor VOICE East Africa without Kuya Tony. He is the one to whom God gave the vision of a church-based campus outreach to elementary and high schools using the tool of teaching Biblical values. We well remember his chat with us about this open door very soon upon our arrival back from home service in 2003…and we also remember our initial response, “Kuya Tony, you’re such a visionary but we don’t think that’s something that we’ll get involved in!” But his passion wouldn’t take that initial “no” answer, and with perseverance he pressed on to invite us to the Payatas Elementary School one Monday morning to observe him, Ate Zeny, and the team teaching Bible to the 12 classes of grade 6, one class at a time! That did it…by God’s grace we saw and believed. Kuya Tony with his vision, passion, and perseverance worked side by side with us from that time on to see that vision become reality. We well remember him telling us one day, “Even if I don’t get paid for doing this, I’ll keep on; this ministry is so needed.”
We witnessed his vision, passion, and perseverance in so many ways, but perhaps the most powerful was his desire to open up Central Philippines for VOICE. Again, when we first heard about it, we shook our heads in disbelief…how could that work? But history records his many journeys there with his dear wife, Ate Zeny, and the hundreds of churches they have now trained with a good number of them involved. For some reason God didn’t allow him to see that vision to its completion, but I’m sure what God has started through dear Kuya Tony will continue on. Our prayer is that God would raise up many “Kuya Tony’s” who will serve God wholeheartedly with vision, passion, and perseverance, with a heart that overflows with love for the Lord and for the children.
Thank you, Kuya, for your vision, passion, and perseverance. Without your vision, as Proverbs 29:18 says, many students would “perish” without the opportunity to hear God’s Word taught to them…both in the Philippines and now in East Africa. But thanks to you and your passion and perseverance, thousands have had an opportunity to hear God’s warnings and to experience the happiness of heeding to wisdom’s instructions. We can almost hear our Lord’s words to you as you entered into your eternal reward, “Well done, faithful and good servant.”
Thank you for your cherished friendship and partnership in the Gospel. Thank you for all the cheer and fun you added to the office with your spontaneous bursts of excitement and songs, and that beautiful warm smile. Thank you for all the merienda’s that you sponsored, delightful stories that you shared and the laughter that we all enjoyed so much. Thank you for all those demonstrations of the first VOICE lesson—your rendition of The Wise Man and Foolish Man will never be equaled! And thank you for so much more. We love you and rejoice that you are now with your Savior and Lord whom you served so wholeheartedly and faithfully. You leave a huge hole…but also a wonderful legacy and example to follow. Hanggan sa muli, Kuya. See you on the other side.
Ruth Haynes & Laura Bonney (written less than an hour before leaving our home in Uganda to return to the Philippines)

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