Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Closure Time

Our official farewell with Scripture Union Uganda and our final leadership meeting with these dear people happened Monday.  It was a time for not a few tears, especially as we sang “Great is Thy Faithfulness” with the guitar and African drum. Mixed in were also plenty of happy memories and words of appreciation.  Huge flasks of hot African tea were brought into the Board room plus a beautiful cake baked by our National Director’s wife.  Testimonies were shared from various ones, including two puppeteers—some mentioned situations that we had long since forgotten about. The final one to share, the National Director, chose to end by singing a touching good-bye song as a solo, mixed in with more tears, and not only from us.  Somewhere in the program, our main artist for the Values project (not a Scripture Union staff member) popped in carrying two large frames. We soon were each presented with a portrait of ourselves, drawn by him upon the request of Scripture Union, and the Hebrews 10:6 verse of encouragement. After our fellowship each person added their signature to the portraits before it was fully framed. We finished with a circle of prayer, holding hands as we entrusted one another to the Lord...with more tears.
We thank God for these past five years that have both stretched and strengthened us as we’ve worked so closely with Scripture Union Uganda. The ministry is now in their hands, but we know that ultimately, it’s in the hands of the Lord of the Harvest, the same One Who called us to Uganda and enabled us to accomplish as much as did get done. Together with Scripture Union Uganda, we look forward to see how He will lead the VOICE program forward.  Thank you for being such an intricate part of seeing VOICE Africa birthed and begin to grow through your prayer and financial support. And thank you for continuing to pray that this strategic ministry will indeed “be a VOICE in the wilderness” to prepare the way for many children and youth of East Africa to come to Chris Jesus as their Savior and Lord.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

The Lord of the Harvest Doing His Amazing Work

One thing good about age is that we get to see more of how God graciously uses our feeble efforts in the past and multiplies them in His time. He is also such a master at “connecting the dots!”
I well remember, back ten or more years, praying with Christian leaders for a certain area of Manila. Hand in hand with prayer, I encouraged pastors to get involved in teaching Biblical values in that area. What an encouragement when Pastor Joey and his wife Del responded to the challenge. But then more prayer was needed because the schools proved to be very resistant—that area was a stronghold of the leading religion of the Philippines. Eventually Pastor Joey and his volunteer values teachers were allowed to teach the Biblical values in one of the Schools near his church.
Soon after that, Pastor Joey invited me to attend an EvanTell seminar being held in his church. It was there that I was introduced to the evangelism tool called CrossTalk.  Upon the suggestion of Pastor Joey, the facilitator of that seminar, now the head of EvanTell, graciously made time in that training for me to share about the VOICE program with all who attended. As a result of that seminar, VOICE Philippines benefited much from the generosity of EvanTell as we incorporated CrossTalk into the “Phase Two” or direct evangelism with students—those who showed spiritual interest following the Values Classes. Pastor Joey became the Philippine EvanTell representative and so we connected often with him. (And now, to connect yet another dot, literally hundreds of thousands of CrossTalks have been printed and used here in East Africa.) 
Just yesterday, I received an email from the head of EvanTell regarding several matters. He then went on to tell me that Pastor Joey is now on the VOICE Philippines Board of Trustees andGod has opened doors in that religious part of Manila. A number of churches have now joined forces with Pastor Joey’s church and committed themselves to reaching into the schoolsthe schools are open to the teaching of Biblical values!  Praise God for vision bearers and how in God’s time He opens doors and does work beyond what we would have thought or dreamed. All praise to Him.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

“He’s Got The Wind And The Rain….”

It was a quick one-night trip to the Midwestern Scripture Union Region this last Friday and Saturday.  Leaving behind the super heavy Kampala traffic due to the closing of the first term of school, we headed west and soon were enjoying the lush green country side on a not-so-bad road interrupted with significant speed bumps each time we approached and left a town. Upon arrival in Hoima, we got directions to the Scripture Union Office… “after some speed bumps, you’ll see the sign.” But before we saw the sign, we saw Innocent, the Scripture Union Regional Administrator, and he pointed us to their modest office which was very recently given to them.
After we toured the office compound, Innocent took us to a nearby school, “Feel At Home Nursery & Kindergarten” which served as both the venue for Friday night and Saturday morning meetings as well as our overnight accommodations. There we found our friend, Grace, the Regional Coordinator busy in the kitchen preparing the meal for the 30 church leaders invited that evening for vision casting about teaching godly Values in Schools.  As the dinner hour approached, the wind suddenly picked up and brought a torrential downpour. We were rather disappointed, especially for Grace’s sake, since even moderate rain often hinders people’s attendance. Laura found herself singing "He's God the Wind and the Rain in His Hands" to one of the church leaders who arrived ahead of the seemed like a new song to him.  Little did we know that Grace had gone upstairs and was pouring out her heart to her Heavenly Father Who assured her all would be fine.
When the skies cleared a few minutes later, in came the people.  In the end only three of the invited did not make it, and none of their reasons were related to the weather. The 2 hour meeting went well as people were introduced, the new-to-them program was explained, and testimonies of its impact were shared by both children and teachers. The delicious Ugandan meal was enjoyed by all as people talked with each other before heading home.
Once the last guest had left and we had picked up our visuals, Ruth and I went to the upstairs room where we would spend the night, quite tired but grateful for the opportunity to serve in this region. Then in came Grace (who was staying two rooms down from us) and proceeded to talk non-stop for well over an hour, relating her amazing testimony, which included several miracles, of how about three years ago God called her to work in this region. It hasn’t been an easy journey…but she ended her story by saying that the just completed meeting was yet another miracle. She sensed God assuring her that the ministry was turning a corner because not even the hard rain had managed to keep away those church leaders. It was with full hearts that we praised God together and prayed that indeed what God started that night would continue for His glory. What a vivid reminder that even the winds and the rains are no challenge to God as all things are indeed in His hands!

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Only God…

It was only a few days before the SEND Canada Director, Mag’s arrival in Uganda that Laura and I began to realize we were witnessing another startling example of God’s perfect timing. The date for the Scripture Union VOICE Africa Curriculum Celebration and Thanksgiving was set months ago in cooperation with Scripture Union leadership. We viewed it as sort of a climax of our time here—an opportunity to celebrate with and give thanks to those who had worked with us to accomplish the goal of developing and publishing six Biblical values modules on three levels. Even more importantly, we wanted to use it as an opportunity to praise God together for this achievement. With that date set, we began making plans and inviting the participants
Totally separate from those plans (so we thought), we began to learn that Mags indeed was serious about his desire to come and visit us before we leave Africa. Due to several unanticipated events, Mags had to change the dates for his visit, so that in the end it was barely a week before his arrival that all was confirmed. With each change of plans, Laura readjusted the proposed schedule of how he could spend his time in a meaningful and worthwhile way. It was only when all was confirmed that we realized he would be here for the celebration…and then it dawned on us just how appropriate that was.
As you probably know, SEND does not work in Africa and so back in 2009 when God first called Laura and me to this continent, we realized it might mean that we would have to change missions. However, several weeks after we sensed God’s calling, Mags (and another colleague) arrived in the Philippines to speak at our Annual Philippine Conference. During that conference, we invited him and friend to come to our home for a meal, which they graciously accepted. During that meal, we hesitantly shared with them this “strange” calling; we had no idea how they would react to that news. Immediately our dinner guests encouraged us to move ahead and assured us of their support. Mags’ willingness to go beyond the norm was such an encouragement to us and indeed he kept his word. So, humanly speaking, he and colleague were the instruments God used to allow us to serve in Africa and still remain under SEND.
Now, more than eight years later, God perfectly arranged it so that Mags could be here to celebrate with us the completion of what we felt God called us to do and witness a little of the impact the curriculum and program are making. We had previously arranged for someone else to share the devotions during that event, but they graciously offered to give that opportunity to Mags once they knew of his arrival. His participation in this significant event truly increased its value to us and to the others who attended. Once again, we shake our heads in amazement as we remind ourselves of the truth we know so well in our heads but so easily forget—God is indeed sovereign! Praise His holy name!