Thursday, April 16, 2020

Soul Scarcity

During these days of social distancing and “lock-down” some of us have had a forced time for rest and reflection. For most of us, Easter has been an unforgettable time that has NOT been the “business as usual” --travel, church, food preparation and family reunions. I don’t recall when I have listened to “The Messiah” in one setting and it happened this Easter! God has allowed the world to “stop” and is surely challenging us to “be still and know that I am God” Psalm 46:10.

Memories of our East African visit are still fresh on my mind. One word that describes situations in East Africa is “scarcity”. Unlike North America, (with the temporary exception of toilet tissue, etc.) there is scarcity of food, water, electricity, shelter, basic needs, transportation, steady jobs, medical care, school fees, etc. We were inspired again during our visit to see the resiliency of the African people, their creativity and ability to make do. Since returning to Canada, I have reflected on my own scarcities.

  1. Lack of Thanksgiving. I can identify with the 9 lepers Jesus inquired about in Luke 17:17,18 who forgot to return and thank Jesus for His amazing work in their lives. I have counted my own blessings more these days, appreciating God for Who He is and His good gifts. I suspect I have done less complaining and even worry. Recalling some of the sights and experiences in Africa just two months ago has given perspective how much we have to be thankful for.
  2. Lack of Love. John 21 reminds me how our risen Saviour meets us in our routines and schedules and has us stop and experience His love afresh and hear His truth to our hearts. How easy it is to be caught up in good things even exciting ministry outcomes! Jesus' questions to Peter, John 21:15-17, caused a rekindling of love and fresh obedience to the Saviour.
  3. Lack of Faith. Joshua 14:8,9 spotlights Caleb (and Joshua’s) example of whole-heartedly following God. They rejected peer pressure and the majority who saw giants and so many obstacles, Numbers 13,14. Adjusting to retirement and Canadian culture while continuing to feel heart passion for the people and works we have left in Africa and the Philippines continues to stretch my faith.
  4. Lack of Consulting God. Even called and gifted Joshua relied on his own insight and strategy rather than asking God about the Gibeonites, Joshua 9:14. It’s possible to get so caught up in ministry and pressing things before us, we become presumptuous and even familiar with God. This results in failure to pray and lay our situation before the Lord. These days of staying home have opened up new possibilities of prayer.
  5. Lack of Focus/Worship. Revelation 4 and 5 is a favorite passage that reminds us of the day coming when the whole universe will worship and praise Jesus the Lamb of God. It is from the Rev. 5 passage that we named our Blog “Lion Sightings.” With events of the last couple of months, it does seem that the world stage is being set for Christ’s Return. Oh to be prepared and watching for that Day!
Indeed, God is using these days of restraint from our usual routines and freedoms to cause us to pause and be still before Him, to look to Him, to listen to Him, to find renewal and fresh hope in our risen and victorious and soon-coming Lord Jesus. A song that has blessed me this week is the Chris Tomlin video arrangement found on You Tube, “He is Worthy”. Indeed, praise Him!