Monday, December 30, 2019

God’s Generous Children

We both have been “blown away” by the generosity of so many over the past couple of months. Christmas cards, emails, and phone calls have carried news of gifts given toward all of the current projects, including our return visit. Thank you to each one and to God for His encouragement through His children...and to Him be all the glory!

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Tanzania Highlighted

God certainly has been keeping Tanzania foremost in our thoughts these days; we don’t know what He has planned but we are certain He has “something up His sleeve.” When I (Ruth) shared with my home church that the Swahili translation (for use in Tanzania) of three of the VOICE modules on all three age levels was complete, the church broke out in spontaneous applause to God. I was shocked and almost thought I must be back in Africa! What an encouragement and blessing. Then when we look at the donor records from our mission, we shake our heads in amazement that almost $10,000 of the funds needed to publish at least some of those modules is already given. All praise to God!
Earlier this week, Laura made a number of visits in Moncton, New Brunswick, and was floored to hear how two of the couples she visited have very close connections to Tanzania! We knew about one of them, but she learned a lot more about that relationship. In the second home, she was totally surprised to learn that the wife has a brother working in Tanzania as a missionary. Almost that same day, Laura heard from Beth B (our Ugandan colleague who is planning our schedule) that one of the Training of Trainers is being planned for the same place the brother missionary lives! Beth also tells us that a Training is being planned for the island of Zanzibar (a semi-autonomous region of Tanzania), plus probably at least one more Training of Trainers in another place in that fairly large nation. We’ve also recently met at least one, maybe two, who sponsor a child from Tanzania. No, this is no coincidence. Please pray that we will cooperate attentively with God in whatever He is doing...all for His glory.
We’re including a map of East Africa. Zanzibar is the 2nd and largest island from the top along the coast of Tanzania.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Together Again…Briefly at Least

As you can understand, after living and serving together for about 37 years, a big adjustment that has come with retirement for both Ruth and me has been living in separate homes in separate nations. Praise God for His gift to Ruth of unlimited phone calls which includes Canada, thanks to her brother/sister-in-law; we keep in touch via phone, text, emails almost daily…but it’s just not the same!
Our gracious God used friends to provide a way for us to spend just over a week together again—house-sitting in Maine. How fun to return to the familiar of sharing cooking, driving, corporate prayer, reading, debrief and discussions, playing games, walking and some sight-seeing…plus, thanks to technology, participating in long distance communication and prayer that included both SEND Canada and Scripture Union Uganda.
One of our goals for that time together was to seek God’s will regarding an invitation from Uganda to return for a 2-month visit in early 2020. After spending time in prayer, we both sensed God’s affirmation, which drove us to prayer again as we started to think through the logistics and goals. As of this writing, we have tickets in hand, health insurance nearly secured, and an emerging tentative schedule which includes both Tanzania and Kenya!
Why Tanzania and Kenya? A couple of days ago, we learned that the Swahili translation of three VOICE modules, Truth, Forgiveness, and Purity, is COMPLETE on all three age levels—answered prayer! As funds are available, plans are to print those three modules in Nairobi (more cost effective) and introduce them to the Ministry of Education in Tanzania in response to their two-year-old request for a Swahili edition. With these developments, training Scripture Union Tanzanian staff to be able to conduct training workshops for Christian volunteer values teachers across their nation is paramount. We hope to participate at least in the early phase of that huge project which has mammoth potential for reaching students for Christ through the teaching of Biblical values. Promotion and training is also planned for Kenya, while providing encouragement for Scripture Union Ugandan staff.
Please join us in prayer for the funds and the expertise to print the Swahili version in Nairobi. Ruth and I are also trusting God for provision for our own expenses for this trip. Pray also for wisdom as plans/dates are finalized for our activities in East Africa, and for our personal preparation and packing. Praise God for this opportunity to once again be able to serve together!

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Changed Lives in Tanzania

Changed Lives in Tanzania
Beth B., overseer of VOICE Africa, was on her way back to Uganda via Kenya from Tanzania when she sent us two testimonies via What’s App message:
1.    One Scripture Union Tanzania staff member recently taught “Forgiveness” at a Scripture Union camp. One of the children was struggling with something a school teacher had done to him in the past: she had scratched his very dark skin and asked “what is this? Is this charcoal or black coals or what?” Other kids had laughed and he was called Charcoal. He was so angry but as the module on Forgiveness was being taught, he chose to forgive and stood up to share his story with the other campers.
2.    In another situation where the module on Purity was being taught, a boy who had been sexually abused by his Auntie responded to the Lord by forgiving her.

* * *
P.S. – After writing the above, we heard another amazing story from Beth B. of God at work. I’m quoting almost word for word from her letter:

The South Sudan Bishop that I worked closely with in the past and was promoted to the level of Archbishop earnestly requested me to go and help train his people. So Chris and I got ready to go. On the day of our planned travel, we went to the South Sudan embassy to pick up our visas and passports. It was just hours before travel. I was nervous abut this because if anything happens, then what do you do?

So we parked the car near the embassy but I had to remain in the car since we had luggage and as you know we are always watching that it is not broken into, plus we had no good place to park really, so one has to remain in the car in case police come and you need to move. 

Chris went and quickly came back and said, "Auntie, they have NOT given you a visa! "What?" I asked him why and he said, "They say that because there is no space in your passport." I knew it. I had only one page and had risked! Time was running out very fast, so I prayed, "Lord, maybe it is just Chris who should go?" Then I visualized the Bishop that was expecting me looking very disappointed and confused because it is me he knew and was always communicating with me, besides I was taking Chris for the first time and especially in this part of the world this age thing is a real big deal. Chris is young and I knew that our South Sudanese would prefer to listen to the older. 

So I asked Chris to remain in the car and I ran into the embassy to try and persuade them to give me the visa. I got there and the men and the one lady there emphatically pointed out that "Madam, we have been trying to reach you because there is no space and the remaining page we cannot place the visa there." Then the miracle happened before my very eyes. The lady told the men that, "I know this lady, when I was a little girl in Primary school at Kitente Primary School she used to come and teach us the Bible." She took my passport and went to the Boss and returned with the visa on that one last page! I left the place WORSHIPING at the top of my voice. I was so rushed, that other than, "Oh THANK YOU!" I could not even stop a minute to ask her who she was etc.!

Monday, September 16, 2019

Ten Years Later

Ruth (in New Hampshire) and I (in New Brunswick) keep in almost daily contact via phone as we both struggle to adjust to our “new normal.” Saturday, September 14’s conversation was energized by the realization that it was exactly ten years ago, Sept. 14, 2009, while we were in the Philippines, that we both, in our private devotions in our separate rooms, sensed God asking us to be available for a change. For me, it was through W. Glyn Evans Daily with the King Devotional “Keeping the Glow of Victory” and a passage in Isaiah 58.  That day I read “I must look beyond myself to see the ‘hungry’ and ‘afflicted’ person nearby, and then pour out myself for him (Isaiah 58:10)….I share spiritual blessings I already have.  In sharing them, God will multiple and magnify my resources beyond anything I can dream.” For Ruth, it was Luke 4:16-21 which includes a quote from Isaiah 62“The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.” Her heart burned even more deeply when she read Jesus’ next words “Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.” Neither of us knew what all of this meant…until that very evening when an email arrived from northern Uganda inquiring about our availability to help make a way that children and youth in Uganda could be taught Godly Values in their school classrooms.
Ten year ago we were asked to leave our beloved Philippines. In hindsight was that a mistake? Hardly! Just a week ago, we received an amazing summary from VOICE Philippines stating that during the month of August, 2019, alone, 118 churches/faith-based groups had been trained to teach the Biblical values classes. And even more exciting, the trainings took place in all three major island groups of the Philippines—Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao! Undreamed of when we were there! The end of their summary states that due to these newly trained Christians, a possible maximum of 42,000 new students could be taught Godly family values each week!
Ten year ago, we were asked to go to Uganda. God did so much during the 5 years we were there and that ministry continues to expand as well (we’ll save the details for another blog). Now, ten years later, God is challenging us with the potential of Tanzania…no, not to go and live there, but to enlist others to pray and give with us that the ongoing translation of the VOICE curriculum into Swahili could be finished, published, and used in the seemingly wide-open door into the school classrooms of that vast nation--about 15 million more people than Uganda. SEND recently signed an agreement with Scripture Union Uganda to partner in seeing this happen.
Returning to Isaiah 58 - “As a result of giving my portion to others, God will make my light rise at noonday, guide me continually, satisfy my soul in drought, make me like a watered garden, and make me a repairer of broken people (Isaiah 58:10-12).  Join us as we trust God for Tanzania.


A story from VOICE Philippines too good not to share! - A church in Baguio, northern Philippines (which was closed to VOICE ministry when we left the Philippines but has since opened up wide) started teaching values in their 6th school! Not only were they invited to teach the students, the school also requested them to conduct Bible Study among the faculty and staff while the children were being taught by the Values teachers!

Saturday, August 17, 2019

August, 2019, VOICE Ministry "Lion Sightings" (Praises)

As you may know, this blog, Lion Sightings, was used to highlight ministry (usually) situations where Laura and Ruth saw God, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, at work. Although we are no longer in "full-time cross-cultural" ministry, we plan to continue using this blog to highlight God's ongoing work in both VOICE Philippines and VOICE Africa now being carried on by nationals. Praise God with us for all that He is doing. For updated prayer requests from these ministries, please click the "Prayer Zone" tab (above). Your continued prayer support is much needed and appreciated.

  • During May and June, 2019, God enabled VOICE Philippine Staff, Bevs, Emil, and Raffy, to promote and train volunteers from more than 70 churches in the southern Island of Mindanao including General Santos City, South Cotabato and Northern Mindanao.  
  • Only two of the 81 provinces of the Philippines, both in Mindanao, remain without any VOICE Classes--Sulu and Tawi-tawi!  


  • Volunteer teachers are currently test teaching the new Responsibility Module Upper Primary level.  A debrief meeting was scheduled to happen today, Aug. 17th. 
  • A testimony coming from the Namungona Parents School states that school officials have noticed increased "anger control" among the 200 students who were taught the Self-Control Module.


  • Chris, Beth Baleke’s Assistant, recently traveled to Tanzania to interact with Swahili translator, Christine. She reports that 70% of the Swahili translation of Truth, Forgiveness, and Purity are complete.  
  • A recent gift of $1,000 gift was received and receipted by SEND Canada to go toward this project, translation and printing the three modules on all 3 age levels. 

South Sudan

  • A VOICE Training is taking place currently in Nimule, South Sudan; the VOICE Curriculum was earlier sent to them from Kampala, Uganda. 

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

God Knows His Own

I (Ruth) have never set up housekeeping in my passport nation, as incredulous as that may seem. And so when retirement began to loom, I sensed a bit of panic/fear of living on my own in the not-so-familiar culture of my “home town.” I’m still a farm girl at heart despite the fact that for most of our career in missions we have lived in cities, especially Manila, which now boasts of over 12 million people, and even Kampala with more than a million people. So I naturally thought about my 2nd brother who owns several apartments on his property which is known as the Crazy H Farm. (He makes his living off the farm but puts in more than "full-time" to keep the farm with quite a variety of animals running smoothly.) There were no empty apartments but Peter immediately offered to make an apartment in his basement, something he has been planning to do sometime anyway. I breathed a great sigh of relief that I could at least start in a rural safe place.
Due to a number of circumstances, Peter had not been able to finish the basement apartment by the time I arrived, but graciously offered for me to stay with them until it was finished. Within a few days, I was finding delight in helping take care of chicks and hens and especially helping his daughter with her amazing market gardens, primarily watering the greenhouse and helping with weeding. That has been wonderful God-ordered therapy for me as I have eased into this period of huge transition.
Within the first week of my arrival, one of the tenants of a one-bedroom apartment rather suddenly vacated. Unfortunately, there was repair work needed before it could be rented again—which meant Peter had two apartments to prepare amid these extremely busy summer months. So we talked together and it was agreed that he prioritize the recently vacated apartment (which required less work) and I would move into that, taking the pressure off to finish the basement apartment for now. So, God has provided a win-win in every way. I can get settled more quickly without adding to Peter’s work load as he tries to get the haying and pasturing done…and a 1,000 other things! What a gift to be able to live close to family and be part of a fun and busy farm—God knows His daughter through and through and provides so perfectly!

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

An Amazing “Finale” Weekend

Our “finale” weekend (meaning the last weekend/day that Laura and Ruth would serve together as co-workers) started with an overnight with Pastor Rick, who during his single/student days, pastored the church where Laura’s family worshiped. Under him a Wycliffe missionary came as a revival speaker and at the close of the 2nd meeting, Laura responded to the salvation invitation. Soon after, she was baptized—the first person Pastor Rick ever baptized. So it was very fitting that she was able to connect with him and his wife on this “finale” weekend. In fairly recent years, Pastor Rick and his wife pastored the church that we reported to the following day, now known as New Hope Community Church.
The current pastor of New Hope was new to us until we met him several weeks ago. Of course, he didn’t know us well and due to a somewhat recent merge with another church, we didn’t know very many of the congregation by name. So we had no expectations that this would indeed be an extra special “finale” report. BUT God arranged it so that a “missions champion” in both of our lives from back in the mid-70’s, had an active part in planning the service, Pastor Gordie and his wife, Marianne. Pastor Gordie was involved in Laura’s preparation for her first cross-cultural missions experience to the Marshall Islands (central Pacific). Back then, the church he then pastored supported both Laura and Ruth under separate missions. It was immediately after a Missions Conference in that church that Ruth sensed God’s call upon her life to serve with Laura as she headed to the Philippines…and that church enabled us to go through an amazing Faith Promise push. Each church that Pastor Gordie has been involved in since then has been a part of our support team and we’ve connected with him during each Home Service/furlough.
Unknown to us, Pastor Gordie and his wife went the 2nd and 3rd mile to make this a special “finale” Sunday for us. As he prepared to direct a “Father’s Day Women’s Choir,” he shocked us by sharing with the church a well-researched overview of our Mission Career and read two letters of thanks and congratulations that he had asked for—one from the first mission Laura served with, Bible Club Movement, and one from the first mission Ruth served with, Child Evangelism Fellowship. He then announced that the special choir piece was dedicated to us in honor of our years of training others in children’s ministry—a beautiful arrangement of “Jesus Loves Me.” Flowers, a love offering, and a wonderful church lunch, followed with time to connect more personally with the people, including some from other churches who came special to see us. Marianne, who has served cross-culturally and has experienced some very painful transitions in life, shared a gem of truth with us: our transition from a career of full time cross-cultural work into retirement is not “the end” but the beginning of a new chapter.
We were overwhelmed with such love and interest as we reflected and thanked God corporately. Tears come even now as we think of God’s amazing gift to us of being able to enable others to proclaim to thousands of children and youth God’s truth and salvation and the extraordinary “finale” weekend He provided for us. We look to Him with “New Hope” as we anticipate continued expansion of teaching Biblical Values in classrooms in both the Philippines and East Africa, while at the same time, finding what He has planned for this “new chapter” in our lives. All the praise and honor goes to our Savior, Jesus Christ, the Lord of the Harvest.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Reunion in Sussex

Back in 2003, six friends, 3 Canadians and 3 Americans, all single with one being a fairly new widow, met together for six wonderful days in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains near the Kananaskis River. We had an amazing time hiking, animal watching (including sighting a grisly bear), touring Banff and Lake Louise, viewing the Colombia ice fields, and marvelling and savouring God’s creation together. It was amazing to think that such a fantastic vacation worked out for all of us…what would be the chances of it ever happening again?
God did just that, allowed it to happen again this past week. Last Monday, June 3, four of our friends arrived here in Sussex, NB, coming from Toronto and Maine; the next day the 6th friend joined us from Moncton. I, along with Ruth, had the special joy of hosting this special group here in Sussex. We had an amazing 4 days of enjoying the local sights as well as touring St. Martins, Saint John, and Moncton. We sampled authentic Maritime homemade fish cakes and fiddleheads, enjoyed ice-cream on several occasions, sampled a Ugandan bean recipe and haystacks (curried chicken and rice with toppings), plus Donairs and Macarons. But the true joy was being together and catching up on each other’s lives, praising God for his faithfulness over the past 16 years. Lots has happened…back then all of us were actively serving the Lord in full-time Christian work. Now, two have retired and another two are close to that milestone (us), two transferred membership to another organization, one moved from western Canada to eastern Canada, and for Ruth and me, we moved from the Philippines to Uganda; back then, VOICE Philippines wasn’t even thought about yet, never mind VOICE Africa! We each face our challenges but rejoice to know that our God never changes and He is actively working together all things for good…even the opportunity for six friends to be reunited. Praise Him!

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Despite a Lack of Parental Encouragement

While chatting with a pastor last week, we heard a true and thrilling story that happened a number of years ago and involved one of our supporting churches.  It seems that two fairly young siblings, a sister and brother, heard about the Sunday School program of this church through friends and were granted permission to attend by their non-religious parents. Throughout their childhood, every Sunday morning found them walking to that church and eventually they also brought along their younger siblings. During that entire time, their parents never once darkened the door of that church, not even when their children were part of special programs. As God’s Word was faithfully proclaimed, all four siblings trusted Christ as Saviour. Today the “sister” is the wife of the pastor we were chatting with! He also shared that in more recent years, at least one of the parents turned to God for salvation.
What an encouragement to continue reaching out to the children, loving them, and leading them to Christ. Although there are so many more distractions these days, let us pray for churches to diligently find effective ways to attract children to activities where they will hear the Gospel and then disciple them to be missionaries to their own families, friends, and beyond.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Here Am I!

One of our aims as we go through Home Service is to be on the lookout for others, especially young people, who are open to or considering cross-cultural missions as God’s call on their lives. This particular Home Service, we have not heard too many express an interest or willingness. So it was a special delight this past weekend to hear a high school person verbalize a desire to pursue the opportunity to invest their life into sharing God’s message of salvation with people in the uttermost parts of the world. This statement was especially meaningful because it was so very obvious that this young person was already actively and whole-heartedly serving the Lord right now in their home church. We passed on some literature for them to prayerfully read and indicated that we would follow them through continued contact via email. Praise God for young people and others who want to pour their lives into building and expanding the Kingdom of God no matter what the culture or language that God directs them toward...and pray the Lord of the Harvest for many more needed laborers.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Unsung Heroes

The evening before leaving Hamilton, ON, we took the opportunity to join the West Highland Prayer Meeting. As anticipated, there were a good number of heroes of mine who have tracked with us for decades, included a precious black lady that has kept in touch with me since the mid 70’s! Just before Prayer Meeting, we shared a meal with the Missions Committee Liaison and her husband and enjoyed a sweet time of catching up and recounting God’s faithfulness through losses and gains…in fact we lost track of the time and were a bit late arriving at Prayer Meeting. But the welcome was warm and so gracious, and almost immediately their discerning questions about the ministry and our plans began to fly! Time went far too fast, but included in those few minutes was a request to purchase a copy of the VOICE Curriculum as well as another person’s willingness to make an audio edition of the VOICE Curriculum on a micro-chip. What a privilege and encouragement to hear these saints pray for specific people, needs, and challenges of the VOICE ministry as well as praise God for His amazing work. Without doubt, what has happened thus far is in answer to prayer and what will happen is also connected to prayer. Who knows how God will use the prayers of these unsung heroes as together we press onward. “God lead us and open the way according to your Sovereign plan.”

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Times to Cherish!

A while ago, SEND USA asked if it were possible to stop by (Farmington, MI) at some point before retirement so that they could have a time of celebrating with us the years that we served with SEND. (You may remember that we were hindered from attending the SEND North American Area Conference last July due to the sudden death of Laura’s youngest sister.) As our Ontario planned trip began to take shape, we realized we had an opening to stop by on Tuesday, April 30. SEND then planned a chapel service in our honor during which we shared a brief update of our ministry; Laura and Ernie also added to the celebration. Another heart-warming gesture was connecting via a video call with SEND Canada which made it possible for the SEND Canada Director, “Mags,” to be present via video—we saw and heard him and he saw and heard us during the entire time. Both he and the Personnel Director of SEND US shared humbling and encouraging words with us followed by a time of prayer during both the SEND US and Canadian Directors interceded for us. They unveiled a beautifully decorated cake in our honor with “Salamat sa iyong katapatan,” written on it—Tagalog for “Thank you for your faithfulness.” We left deeply blessed and grateful for the mission God has given us the privilege of working with for the past 32 years.
From there we traveled on for yet another rich blessing from the Lord. A few weeks ago we realized that the timing was perfect to connect our trip to the USA SEND office with an opportunity to see our Ugandan colleagues who are currently in the US, Beth and Dennis, who were staying in Elkhart, Indiana. The hosts were a couple that we met in Uganda through Beth; they were wonderful hosts in every way. What a joy to see all of them again and get caught up somewhat with current happenings in VOICE Africa in Uganda, among the South Sudanese refugees, also in South Sudan, Ethiopia, and Tanzania. Laughter, sighs of wishing we had the answer to some complex situations, expressions of praise over victories, and prayer times were plentiful. The hours went by too quickly but we’ll cherish both of these special times for a long time to come.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Easter Tears of Repentance and Joy

A couple of months ago we learned from the pastor of a supporting church that nine pastors in Albert Co., were meeting for prayer and were planning for area wide “revival” meetings during the week leading up to Easter. Their plans and the meetings were in our prayers and we looked forward to hearing how God answered.
Last Sunday, Easter Sunday, we were in one of those churches. During the morning service, the pastor asked for anyone who would like to give a testimony of what God had done in their lives during the previous week of meetings. One of the two who came to the front to share was a teen boy, carrying his Bible and tissues. He shared, amid tears, how the Lord had convicted him through the preaching of God’s Word, of a sinful life style and his response of repentance and a joyous commitment to live for the Lord…and even "preach in that pulpit someday." Tears welled up in our own eyes as we praised the Lord that He is still calling people to Himself. The deacons of the church were called forward to pray for this young man…and he has been in our prayer since. What an Easter Sunday blessing!

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

The Honesty Song

Dorothy was trained last January and has taught the Honesty module in a Primary School in Mengo, Kampala. She recently gave testimony to the VOICE Africa staff:
“This is the greatest children’s material I have ever encountered so far! The P.4 [Primary/Grade 4] ...challenged each other to be honest. The VEC [Values Education Class] is very interesting and the whole school is interested in it! The honesty songs are sang all over the school. I taught in P.4 and P.5 and I have just purchased a pack for Lower Primary so that I can also teach VEC to the younger children.”
* * *
The “application song” for the Honesty Module was written by a Ugandan young woman and it has proved to be one of the favorites among the VOICE Songs. A few of its lyrics are:
Honest, I will be honest.
I will not cheat or steal, always tell the truth.
I will be honest, I will admit when I’m wrong.
I will be honest. (and then closes with a triumphant “Honesty!”)
Praise God for the privilege of teaching children His values and truths and pray that those truths will deeply embed themselves into the hearts of the hearers and in hearts of those who teach.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Each Day A Gift

Indeed, Africa has taught me more of the value of life and how privileged we are; each day is a precious gift from our God.  I took time to pause this past week and reflect on God’s blessings to me personally.  A few recent blessings include:
  • Yesterday, Ruth and I joined three of my siblings to celebrate my mother’s 91st birthday! After several years of not being here on her birthday, I was overjoyed.  Mom has been a huge influence on me and prayed for us through our growing up years until now.  Having Mom with us still is a wonderful gift from the Heavenly Father. 
  • Mom’s birthday follows mine and as only God could arrange, my birthday was free from appointments and schedules.  Ruth and I took the opportunity to visit a new church and spend time with some family members I seldom see.  
  • As if that was not enough, I got a totally unexpected refund from a furniture store, and the amount, to the dollar, was the price of a chair I had been looking at; it was delivered this last week.  
  • I am also reminded of the great gift of health.  Two neighbours who share the same townhouse roof with me are battling cancer.  I pray they may know the hope that I have found in the Lord Jesus Christ.  

Yes, our life goes so fast but each day is a gift from our Heavenly Father. And because He lives, the best is yet to come.  Praise Him!

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Walls Broken and Burned

Bonney boys pausing for a photo April 2, 2019

While spending time with my Mom this morning, we looked out her window over to the farm and saw an exciting sight, walls being erected. Just over four years ago the family watched the barn burn to the ground.  A couple of years ago, the basement walls and floor were restored. Now things were once again taking shape and a replacement barn was happening!  Mom and I just had to go closer by car and celebrate God’s enablement to rebuild the barn.  
This event triggered another memory from almost 10 years ago while still in the Philippines, the morning that God stirred my heart about being available for a change…Uganda. It happened as I was reading Isaiah 58:
“Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins and will raise up the age old foundations; you will be called Repairer of Broken Walls, Restorer of Streets with Dwellings.”  Isa.58:12
As we look back now on our five years in Uganda, we thank God for the privilege of helping produce a tool to help Ugandans rebuild young lives through the teaching of godly values in school classrooms.  We continue to pray that God’s Spirit will use His Word to speak to many students and teachers alike in Uganda and beyond. 
My brothers’ & nephews' example this morning reminds me that rebuilding broken structures is hard work, sometimes must be done in less-than-ideal weather, and cannot be done alone.  As the family looks forward to a firm structure that will bring shelter and blessing, we as believers must be engaged in the hard work of building into the lives of those around us so that others too can know the place of eternal shelter, our Lord Jesus Christ. May the building of a barn remind us to pray for God’s work of restoration and transformation in our Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and unto the uttermost parts of the earth.

And up it goes!
2 sides up!
The view from the road.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

35 Years!

Yesterday marked the 35th anniversary of our initial arrival in the Philippines! Indeed, 35 years ago (Mar. 26, 1984) Ruth and I arrived in Manila for what turned out to be a 28-year journey which included language and culture learning, hosting and teaching children’s clubs, training children’s workers, church planting, mobilizing Filipino youth into mission, revising Bible study materials, Daily Vacation Bible School Training, filling in at the mission Guest House and Business Office, and finally seeing the birth of VOICE (Values Orientation In Classroom Education) Philippines. How can we ever forget that night 35 years ago as our plane circled the city, viewing the tiny lights of Manila. Our national co-workers met us at the airport and took us to a Pasay City guest house where we had a few days to get over jet lag and begin our adjustment to the new sights, sounds, smells, and so much more. Eventually all became familiar and “home” to us, as we can testify having just returned earlier this year for a short visit—there was that sense that we had “come home,” while knowing that it isn’t “home” but for sure some of the dearest people on the planet live there! We had no idea what God was going to do when we stepped off the jet 35 years ago, but knew that He had led us there and would be faithful. And indeed He was and is, including His gift of persevering “rope-holders”—a team of churches and individuals who stood with us in prayer and financial support. Our hearts are full of gratitude to our great God.

Yes, we did celebrate the milestone. After taking my Mom for a medical test in the city, she supplied pizza and ice-cream! Soon after, we were wonderfully reminded of another nation close to our hearts—African Beth, our Ugandan friend and colleague, phoned with updates of what’s happening with her (currently in the USA) as well as news from the Pearl of Africa and other nations of East Africa. How blessed we are.

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Whirlwind Month-long RV Road Trip

Last year, while still in Uganda, planning started for how to best use our final year of Home Service. We determined to see EVERYONE who has been part of our support team if at all possible, something we have not always been able to do.
Admitting that our “discomfort” with winter weather played a part in the planning, we targeted January into early February for a visit to Kauai, Hawaii, to visit one of Laura’s long-time supporting churches whom she hadn’t seen in more than ten years, and then continue on to the Philippines to see as many of our friends and colleagues there as possible.
Then we planned to visit people in the southern States and eastern seaboard. The initial plan was to fly to Texas, rent a car, and spend about a month visiting supporters, family and friends as we drove back to New Hampshire. While I (Ruth) was back in NH in July, I casually shared those plans with my brother and his wife, mentioning the mutual family and friends that we planned to visit. The next morning, they surprised me by saying that they would like to do that trip with us in an RV which they were planning to purchase in preparation for their eventual retirement. And so that’s when the month road trip began to gel. Before long they located and purchased a good used RV and preparations began in earnest. Since they are the owners of an organic dairy farm, a month-long vacation would be a new experience for them! But God had put things in order for them by bringing a man and his family to work on the farm with the ambition to eventually purchase the farm. So finally they had someone who truly felt responsible for what happened and would do his best to keep everything running as smoothly as possible. (And other than a few inevitable hiccups, all went well—something to praise God for.)
I worked on the skeleton route to include as many family and friends as possible and organize dates with each of the people involved. Beth, my sister-in-law, worked on finding campgrounds in the areas where the distance was too long to travel in a day, fine tune the routes, plus add the “domestic aspects” of making an RV a home, especially for four people. John, my brother, worked toward winterizing the RV and all that goes into making a new-to-you vehicle ready for a long trip. And Laura found plenty to do as we all finalized the program.
And now the trip is history! For those who like statistics:
·         Left Sunday evening, Feb. 10, rather than the planned day of Mon., Feb. 11,  to get ahead of a snowstorm, driving through the night. We returned Saturday afternoon, Mar. 10, rather than the planned day of Sun., Mar. 11, having driven all night to once again get ahead of a snowstorm!
·         5,145 miles in the RV; Laura and I rented a car for additional visits in Texas and put on about 600 miles.
·         We went through 22 states
·         10 nights all 4 of us slept in the RV at campgrounds or people’s yards
·         We stayed at 5 different campgrounds
·         Laura & I slept in 11 different beds, with one of them being a Texas motel and another a lovely Air B&B.
·         Although the weather was often overcast, drizzly, and slightly chilly (but no snow or ice!), we did enjoy four picnics outside
·         2 days were spent sightseeing – one on a Florida beach (unplanned by us) and one at the Billy Graham Library in Charlotte, NC—both were a wonderful change of pace with gorgeous weather
·         We were able to spend time with 75+ people! Of those
o   9 people/groups are connected to our families
o   12 people/groups were fellow missionaries, most from the Philippines
o   7 people/couples support us financially
o   1 former pastor/couple, 1 former neighbor/couple, and 1 quilting friend/couple (Beth’s)
It has truly been a trip of a lifetime for all four of us and has left us with many memories (and pictures) to recall and even laugh about whenever we’re together! Each visit was unique and special. We treasured the time to catch up with people’s lives at least a little bit, and left encouraged; we hope that encouragement was mutual. Often our visits ended in prayer, especially focusing on the next leg of the journey—very meaningful. In so many ways, we were assured of God’s presence and protection…even as we drove through New York City at 3 AM during the final night of driving! Thank you for remembering us in prayer; God has certainly answered!

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Yet Another Testimony of God’s Provision

Raising financial support for ministry has been one of the greatest faith-stretchers as well as one of the most amazing part of the journey these past 37 years. As others have often said, God delights in providing through the most unlikely people and means.
Case in point….back in the early 2,000s, I, (Ruth), accompanied my parents to Texas to visit my mother’s sister and family. One Sunday, my parents and I visited a church slightly northwest of San Antonio, TX, which my cousin, Paul, and his family pastored. Paul, asked me to share briefly with the children during the Sunday School opening. After that, I found my way to the women’s Sunday School class to join my mother. As I walked into the class, the teacher said “We’re studying the sanctity of life, something all of us believe. We don’t often have a missionary among us, so let’s just let her take the rest of our time together.” As I began to share off the top of my head, the ladies started peppering me with questions and the entire class time was soon gone. We joined the church service, shook a few hands as visitors, and then went on with our plans. A few months later I was shocked to see a monthly financial gift coming from that church! As time progressed, my cousin left that church and my support was dropped…but almost immediately I saw the names of two couples from that area appear on my donor records; soon their giving surpassed what the church had sending in! Two couples whom I didn’t remember meeting now giving generously…only the Lord!
As we began planning this year of home service, I told Laura that an absolute must was to meet these two couples in Texas and thank them personally for their long-time support, despite their not knowing me personally. And so this one-month “road trip” was planned, during which we could see many others but they were high on the priority list. About a week before our planned visit, they told us that a Prayer Group from their church had rescheduled for that week so that they could also meet us and a pot luck supper/dessert were planned.
As we entered Texas last week, I came down with some kind of stomach bug with extreme weakness. God provided a Bed & Breakfast the night before we planned to drive southwest to see them. As I lay shivering and weak that night, I pleaded with the Lord that somehow we could still go to visit them. Unknown to us, the friend who provided the B & B for us sent out an email to a number of mutual friends asking them to pray for me too. When morning dawned, I felt much better and we sensed that we could proceed with plans. During the 6+ hour trip there, I once again began to not feel so well, and gratefully curled up in a motel bed for over an hour before getting ready to go to the church. Praise God, I was able to tag along with Laura and at least meet those two dear couples (minus the wife of one couple who was out of town) as well as the church prayer group. Although I couldn’t enjoy the wonderful evening meal they prepared, it was a special time of re-connection. I learned that the wife of the one couple was in that Sunday School class that morning and remembered me! The husband of the other couple also remembers meeting me that day. It was so humbling to be with these faithful partners in the Gospel, and I’m so grateful that God enabled me to extend my thanks to them personally.
Since I didn’t have the strength, Laura gave the report to the prayer group plus Ernie helped "break the ice". The Pastor closed our evening with a touching prayer for us. And as icing on the cake, seven from those who were there asked to be put on our mailing list, affirming their commitment to continue praying for VOICE Philippines, VOICE Africa and beyond.
I slept well that night and felt much renewed the following morning…and we went on our way rejoicing in the Lord!

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

40 Years, Can It Be?

As we drank in the beauty of the Hawaiian Island of Kauai, it dawned on me (Laura) that it was this month, January 1979, 40 years ago, that I began my cross-cultural missions career! My then co-worker, Mary, and I were headed into a Christian Education ministry as part of a church plant on the island of Majuro, district center of the Marshall Islands. The only way to get there was through Hawaii.  Since Mary had previously served as a short-term missionary on Kauai and we needed to purchase supplies for setting up house/ministry on Majuro, we decided to spend some time on Honolulu as well as visit Kauai. Forty years ago, I remember Kauai: sounds of roosters, eating lots of delicious pineapple, sightseeing in a loaned Volkswagen, the friendliness of Anahola, and sitting on the lanai (church patio) for conversation and fellowship after service times.  Little did I know what God had in store for me including the generosity of that church when they started to pray for and support me. That partnership has continued to this day! As always, they royally spoiled us during our week’s visit—very humbling. Praise God for His faithfulness and the faithfulness of His people.
Following that week, we boarded an early morning flight to Honolulu…Guam…Manila to once again be in the nation I never dreamed I’d serve in when I was in Kauai 40 years ago, the Philippines.  The three week visit in our beloved Philippines went all too quickly.  We were blessed and humbled as we connected with many friends, both Filipino and missionary, as well as VOICE Philippines.  Testimonies and growth of the ministry brought tears.  Friends provided their spacious apartment for our days in Manila. For more than a week of that time, we traveled to the northern Philippines as well as to our former favorite vacation spot, Baguio in the mountains. In each place, we renewed acquaintances and visited meaningful places. How good God has been these 40 years and we know He will not change. Praise Him!

Monday, January 7, 2019

God in the Details

The One who sees the sparrow fall and has numbered the hairs on our head reminded me this past week how He cares for every detail, including my getting from Point A to Point B.  Ruth and I enjoyed celebrating Christmas and New Years with our separate families and in our separate nations. The time had come to join forces again and prepare for the next 2+ months of almost continual travel. My plans were all in place—my brother and sister-in-law would drive me on Saturday to Bangor where I would rent a car and drive to Claremont, NH, making it possible for Ruth and me to return to Canada later in March in one car rather than in separate cars.
Then news came that an Uncle had passed away on New Year’s Day and the funeral was Saturday. Back to square one…but only temporarily until my sister-in-law called me with news that a car rental agency at the Saint John Airport had a US plated car they wished to have driven back to the U.S. and would waive the drop-off fee. Due to weather concerns, I opted to leave a day earlier. All went well, except for an unyielding dashboard warning of low tire pressure…but praise God, I arrived safely in Claremont, NH. When I returned the car to the car rental, I mentioned the added stress that the warning light added to the trip and, to my surprise, I was only charged half of the rental price. As an added reminder of God’s goodness, reports came that on Saturday, the day I had originally planned to drive to NH, black ice on one of the NH Interstates had caused accidents. Praise God for His protection, help in stretching the dollars, and making it possible for Ruth and I to prepare together for all that God has planned for the next couple of months.