Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Despite a Lack of Parental Encouragement

While chatting with a pastor last week, we heard a true and thrilling story that happened a number of years ago and involved one of our supporting churches.  It seems that two fairly young siblings, a sister and brother, heard about the Sunday School program of this church through friends and were granted permission to attend by their non-religious parents. Throughout their childhood, every Sunday morning found them walking to that church and eventually they also brought along their younger siblings. During that entire time, their parents never once darkened the door of that church, not even when their children were part of special programs. As God’s Word was faithfully proclaimed, all four siblings trusted Christ as Saviour. Today the “sister” is the wife of the pastor we were chatting with! He also shared that in more recent years, at least one of the parents turned to God for salvation.
What an encouragement to continue reaching out to the children, loving them, and leading them to Christ. Although there are so many more distractions these days, let us pray for churches to diligently find effective ways to attract children to activities where they will hear the Gospel and then disciple them to be missionaries to their own families, friends, and beyond.

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