Tuesday, July 29, 2014

God’s Truth Brings Transformation

Three of the five consultants who participated today in the Lower Primary consultation meeting on Honesty, had test taught the first module on Truth. We gave them an opportunity to share some highlights from their first ever experience in teaching VEC (Values Education Class). The stories they told, and especially their smile and glow, were so encouraging. Let me share just two:
Joyce a 12 year old in a Primary Two class is easily the tallest and oldest student and felt anything but special. When her teacher, Justine, taught the Truth lesson “You are special,” her incredulous response was, “Me special?  But that’s not what my family says.” Justine continued, “But God says you are special, let’s look at His Word the Bible….” That lesson changed Joyce, according to her teacher. Her attitude and behavior have been transformed by the truth that she is special to God. She is motivated to do her best because she is special. She keeps her desk neat now, because she is special.
Another test teacher recounted that when she offered to teach the Truth module at a nearby school, the Headmistress chose a Primary Three Class that was known for their rowdiness. The transformation in that class just after 6 weekly lessons was nothing short of amazing—the kids loved the songs and stories, and begged the test teacher to return and teach again. The Headmistress thanked her for teaching and has given an open invitation to return and teach Values to more classes.
Yes, God’s Word…especially when taught by God’s children…makes a difference! Praise God and pray that this program/curriculum will indeed be taught in many schools throughout East Africa and bring much glory to our God...the God Who considers each person as “special.”

1 comment:

  1. You must feel so encouraged to see some of the fruit of your labours for Him. What a blessing!
