Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Let the Children COME...

It was not the opportunity I would have chosen for Ernie and my very first audience of African children (such a big church and being part of all three morning services)…but it obviously was what God chose. It all began a week ago Monday when I was “strongly encouraged” to rescue Ernie from his suitcase where he has been since our arrival. The “encouragement” came from our Manila friends…and our Ugandan friend, Beth, was there, seeing Ernie for the very first time.  With the “cat was out of the bag,” Beth “informed” me (a little bit apologetically) on Wednesday that Ernie was on the program at St. Luke’s, where she was representing Scripture Union the next Sunday.  How could we say “no”?  A flurry of preparation ensued, with a regret that Ernie was not able to obtain any African church clothes, just no time!

We were out the door shortly after 6:00 a.m. on Sunday and thankfully found the church easily. Just before the sermon during each of the three services, the children were called to the front for Ernie to meet them, as well as their usual song and prayer before leaving for children’s church. Probably more than 50 children were there for the first service, possibly closer to 150 for the second service, and maybe 30 for the 3rd service…and praise God not one of them was traumatized! I lost my voice (Ernie too) at the end of our dialogue in the first service, and Ruth came to my rescue in the third service when the microphone got hopelessly tangled, but other than all, all went well. Beth had asked Ernie to promote the Scripture Union devotional guide for children called “God and Me,” which he was only too glad to do. We’re thankful to hear that they sold quite a number of them that day—may God mightily use His Word in their hearts.

A highlight for me was, following Ernie’s part, all the children and adults held hands and sang a beautiful song about being part of the family, united in Christ…I savored the opportunity to hold those little hands during that time.  Later, outside the church, a few children came to me and as we chatted, two girls responded with spontaneous hugs.  The children completely captured both Ruth and me! 

Since the third service was in Luganda (the language widely spoken in the Kampala area), we left right after Ernie’s part…as it was beginning to rain. Soon the rain drops were huge, the heavens opened, the swirling wind knocked small branches off trees, and hail pelted down, causing us to stop along the side of the road with other vehicles.  We heard a particularly hard hit and saw that it caused a small chip in the windshield—we’re not sure if it was hail or maybe a stone being driven by the wind. Eventually, we began inching our way home over some roads that were completely covered with muddy raging water. We were so glad to safely reach home.  The storm was another “Lion Sighting” reminding us of God’s power, as well as the privilege we have to point precious African children to the One who can carry them through the storms of life and bring them safely Home.

1 comment:

  1. I see 2 lion sightings........a roaring lion and the lion of Judah! Guess which one is stronger? :)
