Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Eleven Years Ago

Can you remember 11 years ago—where were you, what you were doing on Monday, October 13, 2003? If you were in Canada, you probably were celebrating Thanksgiving. Yes, 11 years ago Canadian Thanksgiving also fell on Monday, Oct. 13—a piece of trivia not lost to us! Eleven years ago, Oct. 13, 2003, we headed to Payatas, Manila, (a well-known squatter area built up around a huge dump) at the invitation of Kuya Tony (who’s now with the Lord) and his wife, Ate Zeny, plus two other church volunteers to observe their Monday morning Religious Instruction Class program at Payatas Elementary School. Their regular weekly schedule allowed them to teach each of the 12 classes of Grade six students. Two teams were formed and as soon as each team finished one class, they went to the next until all had been taught. I went with Ate Zeny’s team and Ruth went with Kuya Tony. Little did we realize what God was going to do in our hearts that morning. As we sat in the crowded classrooms, squeezing in to share the worn wooden desks with the students, we were stirred by the huge potential of such a ministry. Ate Zeny asked me to share briefly with the students; Thanksgiving was my focus…and now 11 year later, our hearts are filled with Thanksgiving all over again for that experience. Eventually, VOICE Philippines was birthed and has continued to grow as Bible teaching churches reach out into the nearby schools with His Word and Godly values.  Thousands of students continue to be reached daily and Heaven will reveal the numbers that have trusted Christ as Savior. Now here we are launching VOICE Africa! We remember with praise to our Lord the great things He has done. 

Many details are unclear as yet but we look forward in faith that He who loves the children has a plan that they be reached with His precious Word. This past week we submitted the Lower Primary Visual Aid Book. Today I saw the Visual Aid Book Cover. Tomorrow they will finish the printing and show us a ring bound sample for approval. Minutes ago we approved the final digital copy of the Teachers Manual which should be printed by the end of the week. Thursday I will accompany our Artist to his contacts and we will begin the “hands on” process of printing the Lower Primary Activity Sheets ourselves.

Praise God for those who have prayed and given to make possible the reaching the next generation in school classrooms through the teaching of Godly values. We look to God in expectation as we attempt great things for Him. Thanks for joining us.


  1. Amazing to think of what God has done over the past 11 years as a result of you being sensitive to His voice and obedient to what He has called you to do. So much to be thankful for.

  2. Well, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY and HAPPY THANKSGIVING Laura and Ruth! So much to be thankful for in how God has and is using you to produce this amazing material to disciple children with. Have prayed for .........quality and alertness to details in printing the Visual Aid book and Teachers Manual—preparing the Upper Primary level of the Truth module for printing and for the three Consultants’ meetings this week. Amen
