Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Nearing Home

Monday I (Laura) left before 7:00 a.m. heading to the other side of town to pick up visiting Canadian nurse friends to join the 8:00 a.m. devotions at Scripture Union.  Usually we don’t leave quite so early, but it was the first day of school here for the 2015 School Year and as expected, traffic was heavy.  As always, I enjoyed the hour of daily devotions which this time focused on the Parable of the Talents in Matthew 25 and challenged us to exert effort in using whatever God has given us for His Kingdom work. Who isn’t moved and challenged to hear the master’s word to his faithful servants:
“His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’” (Matthew 25:21)
An hour later I read a text from Ruth on my cell phone that she had just got word from family regarding the declining health of Dad Haynes.  Many emails and Skype calls to New Hampshire have been shared in the past few days.  Amazingly, Ruth was even able to talk briefly directly to her father via Skype during one of the somewhat rare times that he was somewhat alert—thank you, Lord! Praise God that he seems to be pain free and fairly comfortable. There is no doubt in anyone’s mind who knows Ruth’s Dad that “Well done” will be the greeting awaiting him…he has been a godly and faithful servant of the Lord.
At the time of writing most of Ruth’s seven siblings are on their way home and Ruth has booked a ticket to leave on Thursday.  Pray for God’s enablement as Ruth tries to finish up the computer work on the last Teachers Manual so that I can then get the Visual Aids and Teachers Manuals (for each of the three modules) printed, bound and assembled in time for Saturday plus follow-up the duplication of the Activity Sheets and bookmarks. The music component of the Curriculum is still alluding us.
May we—you and us—press on in the tasks He has entrusted to us so that we too might hear those wonderful words from our Master when our time comes to enter our eternal destination.


  1. Such a mingling of thoughts and emotions, especially for you, Ruth. Trusting God to encourage and sustain you through these difficult days.

  2. Praying you through Ruth and Laura! <3

  3. It was a blessing to be part of the celebration of your Dad's life. He was a great man and will be missed by his church family as well. You have all been left with a wonderful heritage from your parents, and we can see its evidence in the love you show for others. God bless you. Our hearts and prayers are with you. Kathy Perron
