Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Pray and Play

Today both of us disconnected from the computer and VOICE Africa work and gathered with fellow WorldVenture missionaries for their quarterly time of prayer and fellowship. Our first hour together centered on God’s promises—a wonderful time of pondering, praying, and praising Him through spontaneous hymns/choruses for His faithfulness to keep His promises. Then we moved into a time of intercession for personal, family, and ministry concerns among us. From there we “lifted up our eyes” to our region and world.  I came away with a reminder of how dependent we are on our great God and that our work IS prayer.  We are kept here by those who partner with us in prayer, asking God to open doors and turn hearts toward Him.  (Thanks to each of you on our prayer team!) 

We closed our morning of prayer by doing something so common in North America but until very recently, unheard of here--“ordering in” pizza (on-line via computer) and having it delivered to our door. You would have laughed at all of our expressions of amazement that it worked, they found us (addresses are not as simple here!), the pizza was still warm and it arrived only 25 minutes later than we requested…not bad for African time! We then “kicked back” and shared a hilarious game of Pictionary.  Praise God for a total break from the usual routines to spend time with our colleagues and missionary family in praying and playing.

1 comment:

  1. Someone must have given very clear directions to the pizza delivery guy...and the pizza joint must have been around the corner. That is an amazing story! Did it arrive on a boda?

    So glad you had a day take a breather and allow God to refresh you.
