Tuesday, June 16, 2015

A Holy Pause

Most evenings following the meal, we spend time reading the Scripture Union Uganda Daily Guide and praying together. Sometimes, we’re a bit rushed, but tonight we both lingered together, with tears of gratefulness, as we listened to the hymn “Great Is Thy Faithfulness” which “happened” to be playing on one of our CDs. We find it almost unbelievable to think we are fast approaching our 2-year Anniversary here…and can’t begin to fathom the innumerable ways God has blessed and encouraged us, as unworthy as we are. The devotional reading from Luke of our gracious and compassionate Lord ministering to an “unworthy” Gentile, once again filled our hearts to overflowing for that is what He has done for us. Even just yesterday our Operations Assistant, Martha, was bursting with joy as she had just taught lesson #4 of the Self-Control to her class of 140 eager and attentive Primary Six students. She was especially thrilled by a note from a Muslim parent, written on the Activity Sheet expressing gratitude for teaching her child Self Control! And again, this morning we were humbled with news of a thousand dollar gift for publishing Values from former Philippine colleagues serving elsewhere. And then…tonight, after our “holy pause” prayer time, clearing the dishes, and heating up a plate of food for the night guard, I checked email and did a “double take” as I saw an email from our SEND International Director. With gracious words of affirmation, he told us that he has approved our request for the continuation and expansion of our fund-raising project (to the tune of $81,000) to publish Values Curriculum in partnership with Scripture Union and involving churches to reach children, youth, and their families through the school classroom weekly VEC (Values Education Class) program. We were especially humbled by his assurance of prayer, specifically that the churches would rise up and take advantage of this strategic opportunity. What else could we do but stop again, in a holy pause, as we stood in awe of our great God, our Lion of the Tribe of Judah working in ways so far above ours to remind us this is His ministry.


  1. Ahhh. God's perfect timing is always amazing isn't it?
    Though we ought not be surprised I think He is delighted when we are still filled with wonder at seeing His hand at work, recognizing His clear guidance and receiving His gift of encouragement at the very moment He has planned and prepared.

  2. Praise the Lord! We serve an amazing God!
