Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Open My Eyes….

Without commenting on my missionary aunt’s quip “God looks after fools and missionaries,” I did “see” God’s special care these past weeks with regard to my eye glasses.  Somehow, to my chagrin, while several hours drive away from home, I managed to lose one lens from my glasses.  This put me in an awkward place being the main driver of the vehicle we are using.  Since my Mother and sister were with me at the time of the lost lens, they each offered their glasses to me to see if either pair would work for me.  To my surprise, my sister’s glasses allowed me to drive home. But once we were home, she needed her glasses to drive…and God knew all about that too. My sister had an extra pair and knew exactly where they were, and so I was able to borrow her second pair until I got a replacement!  These borrowed glasses are such a blessing enabling me to function pretty well normal. The next concern…getting an appointment could take time, not to mention getting new glasses made and delivered within a fairly short time (we depart from New Brunswick in less than 2 weeks). Once again, God went before me. I got an appointment this morning, and discovered my current prescription needs to be changed.  So God allowed the lost lens so that I could get the needed new glasses which are scheduled to arrive before we return to Africa.  Thank You to our great God and His detailed care for each of us.

1 comment:

  1. It's like God is saying, "SEE, I'll look after all the details."
