Tuesday, December 1, 2015


Just imagine 14 year old students pleading with their school Principal to be included in the VEC (Values Education Class) program where the value of obedience was being taught! Steve, one of the test teachers, narrated his experience to us last Thursday. He was given one of the three S1 (first year of Secondary School) classes, 50 students, in which to teach the weekly VEC. Students from the other two classes sneaked into his class while we was teaching. They then went to the Principal’s office asking why they couldn’t also be included in VEC. So, the Principal asked Steve to please move to a larger room and teach all three S1 classes—a total of 150 students—obedience! The school even provided an amplifier for him to use! Steve went on to say that when he returned to visit the school following the last lesson, a teacher took him to a classroom, pointed out one boy in the class, and said “That boy caused lots of problems previously, but your teaching about Obedience has transformed him. Thank you.” Praise God with us!


  1. This is amazing on different levels...look at the results of your obedience to God in going to Uganda...and of Steve's obedience in being willing to act as a test teacher...and now you all get to experience the excitement of young people wanting to learn about obedience.
    This morning I was working on my assignment for our Small Group lesson for tomorrow night. This weeks lesson? Obedience!

  2. Praise God!! Praying with and for you!

  3. WOW! Praise God! I was moved to tears to hear how this teaching impacted that one child. Continued prayers for churches to use the materials for outreach and for strength for the journey.💗
