Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Teachers Impacted First

“A student is not above his teacher, but everyone who is fully trained will be like his teacher.” Luke 6:40

As we went through the Pre-Training questionnaires and Post Training evaluations from those who attended the VOICE Orientation and Training or Trainers last week, a number of things encouraged us. Let me share one. Several Scripture Union workers and volunteers themselves gave testimony to how the curriculum had changed their lives even as they prepared to teach it to their students. One especially testified that as she test taught “Forgiveness,” she finally came to the point of forgiving an Aunt who had treated her harshly during her childhood. As we pray for transformation among the students, we also rejoice to hear of God’s work in the lives of the teachers. Obedient teachers will certainly be used by God's Spirit as they urge their students to also submit to God’s instructions.


  1. This resonates with me as I oversee a Lay Counseling ministry! The ripples go on and on and on! God multiplies our little lunch! Praise Him from whom all blessings flow!

  2. Judy's comment about the ripple effect of your work reminded me of this excerpt written by Corrie ten Boom. You will never know the far-reaching effects of your obedience this side of heaven...

    "During the last world war (WW2), I spent time in a concentration camp in Germany because my family, friends and I had saved Jewish people.

    In that prison camp was also, Willy, one of my girl guides (Dutch Underground), who was then 15 years old. Willy was very brave.

    [In prison] Every morning she asked me, “Aunty, what is your message today?”

    I gave her a very brief message. Once I said, “Jesus is Victor,” another time, “Underneath are the everlasting arms of God,” or “Fear not, only believe.”

    Willy had to work in a factory together with hundreds of poor prisoners who did not know what the cruel day would bring them. When Willy was working, the woman next to her whispered to her, “Willy, what is your message today?” Willy answered, “Jesus is Victor.”

    The woman then passed it on to the next prisoner, and so they repeated it over the whole hall, “Jesus is Victor," - "Underneath are the everlasting arms," - or "Fear not, only believe.”

    That girl, when she enters the Beautiful City, and the saved all around her appear, she will hear from her fellow prisoners, “It is you who invited me here.”

    Was she something unusual? No, Willy was just a high school kid of 15 years, but her secret was that every morning she prayed, “Here I am Lord Jesus, use me.”

    When you pray that prayer in the morning, that day the Lord will use you to build gold and silver and precious stones on the one foundation, Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 3:11-14)."

    -Corrie ten Boom, Harvest Newsletter, 1958
