Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Hey, They Are Singing Our Song…

As we prepare to publish the next Values Module, Forgiveness, I visited the Recording Studio last week to make an appointment for cutting the music master CD. While we discussed the four original music pieces to be recorded, the music technician looked up at me from the console covered with switches and mics. “You know I got such a surprise a few months back as I visited my Eastern Uganda home, deep in the village” he said. "I heard children singing the I Believe Truth song we recorded here!”  Praise God for two Trainings done in that area and obvious fruit God has brought even letting our music technician hear his own song. While recording the songs today, one of the singers said that she teaches the songs to her children. Besides the two Forgiveness songs, we also recorded that same I Believe Truth song, only this time in the Luganda language—the initiative of one of the test teachers!  Please pray with us that children in dozens of villages throughout Uganda will learn and sing these songs proclaiming the truth of God’s Word.


  1. Let's pray bigger! I just saw on one site that Uganda has 57,842 villages. :)

  2. It is wonderful to see God working and answering prayers. Will that music cd be available to buy? I'd love to buy one for my grandchildren.
