Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Values In Demand

Last week after the volunteer values teachers from a nearby church finished teaching lesson #3 of the Honesty module to all three of their Kiswa Primary School P4 (grade 4) classes, they decided to find the P7 (grade 7) student who had pleaded with them the previous week if they could also help him and his friends. Upon identifying the correct P7 class, they were surprised that it wasn’t the student who came out to meet them…it was the Classroom teacher! She left her classroom and “demanded” that the volunteer teachers also teach Honesty to all of the P7 classes; she wasn’t going to take “no” as an answer! She told them they must come teach the P7 classes each week right after they finish teaching P4. In fact the volunteer values teachers ended up doing an impromptu introduction to Values right then and there to all three P7 classes.  So, they had no choice but to commit themselves to start teaching the P7s next week, starting with Lesson 1. Pray that the church can recruit more volunteers to help with the wide open door. 

Don’t you love it…teachers demanding that Biblical values be taught in their classes—all praise to God.