Tuesday, July 10, 2018

U-Turn in Michigan

More or less according to plans, Ruth and I left Sussex, NB on July 12, and headed toward Michigan for the SEND meetings and several other stops/visits. Somewhat at the last minute, we decided to swing by Ruth’s home in New Hampshire and also visit her dear friend who had recently been placed on hospice due to cancer. Her peace and contentment…plus continued commitment to pray for us, deeply ministered to us. Within a week, we learned that she had peacefully entered Heaven’s gate to be with the Savior whom she served so faithfully. 

While Ruth and I were enjoying SEND’s Operation Reconnect for returning missionaries on Home Service, I got a shocking email from my brother that my youngest sister had had a heart attack, was in hospital but in stable condition.  Just 24 hours later the call came that my sister was with the Lord.  Ruth and I cancelled our schedules in Michigan, Indiana, and Illinois and set out the next morning for a 3-day drive back to New Brunswick to be with family.  We arrived in time for the visitation hours and the funeral yesterday.  The internment fittingly ended with the song “When We All Get to Heaven.”
Even though we are still in shock, we see God’s mercy…the outpouring of kindness and love from relatives, friends, and from our mission SEND has been overwhelming.  We are so thankful that we were in North America and not in Africa.  My sister left this world on July 18, exactly one month after our arrival in Canada.  We thank God she knew the Savior and suffered very little.  Her battle with diabetes and other struggles are finished.  She has now been reunited with her earthly and Heavenly Father.  We continue to pray for her two young adult sons and for God to use the sudden death to bring all of us closer to Him. These weeks have been a vivid reminder of our own mortality and the urgency to use each day to serve our Savior.


  1. Glad all went well n your mom enjoyed the time. It was special that you could be there. Praying for your trip and speaking arrangements.

  2. Laura So sorry for the loss of your sister
    Praying that God would be with you as you both travel
    Blessings to you both
    Josie Foster
    Hamilton On

  3. Richard and I are so sorry to hear of Chrystal's passing. We are praying for your family. We thank God for our hope in Christ. We pray it will be a witness to many! Hope to see you later on.
