Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Precious…is the death of His Saints

Precious in the sight of the Lord Is the death of His saints.
(Psalm 116:15)

On January 4, 2021 as I was conversing with Beth B in Africa via Whats App, another call came in. When I saw it was from a friend in Moncton, I quickly ended the call with Beth. My friend informed me I could join her at her mother’s palliative care room at a nursing facility in Moncton. I packed up immediately and left to be with her. What an honour for the next hours to join her at her mother’s bedside singing, praying, reading Scripture and expressing love and appreciation. 


I knew her mother quite well, having met her (Marion) more than 35 years ago and enjoyed her hospitality--many times in New Brunswick and at least once in Florida--that time with both of my parents and an aunt. Marion was a hard worker, loved humor including “Ernie,” excelled in gardening, quilting, and loved eating fried green tomatoes, and Russet apples. Faithful to her church, she was usually present when Ruth and I gave our reports/presentations. At one point, years ago, we mentioned a support need. I will never forget after the church service, how Marion met me on the steps and assured me she would begin supporting our mission work. We were floored! She indeed became a faithful, generous donor as well as an ardent prayer partner.


As the hour headed toward midnight, we continued the vigil together. Then her eyelid fluttered and fairly soon after that we realized she was gone. It was a hallowed moment and I can only imagine the Heavenly welcome she received. 


Marion, what an example in life and in death! Here on earth, due to COVID, there will be no funeral but...there in heaven a great celebration as one of God's saints arrived HOME!


  1. What a wonderful testimony. It was so good that you could be with C. during that time with her mother. We are all blessed by saints such as Marion.

  2. What a touching story. Thank you Lord! Amen!

  3. Thank you for sharing about Marion and her daughter. It is very encouraging and helps us to press on and be faithful.

  4. Such a sad joyous time. Beautifully expressed! 😪🙏❤

  5. It is a sad and beautiful privilege to share the final leg of one's earthly journey. What a blessing for you, Marion and your friend that you could be there.
