Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Another "Chance" Meeting...and Confirmation from God

Monday early afternoon, we left our cluttered house and headed in a “special hire” (taxi) to the Scripture Union (SU) headquarters on the west side of Kampala, taking many side roads in order to avoid the inevitable “jams.” As arranged last week, the SU Director, Dickens, met us there and took us in the SU truck south toward their camp property where most of their national workers were meeting.  After negotiating 30 minutes of high volume traffic and “round-abouts” (traffic circles), we left the paved surface.  Following 6 kms. of dusty and bumpy narrow road riding, past homes, massive greenhouses, and many pedestrians, we arrived at the beautiful 46 acre camp of Scripture Union which borders Lake Victoria.  We were treated to a short tour of the property by none other than our new friend, Beth (Ethiopia and South Sudan SU Coordinator). Besides the beautiful Lake Victoria shore, Beth pointed out a huge towering tree which used to be a village shrine but has now been claimed for Christ by His followers. We then joined the staff as they assembled. While Ruth and
Joshua is holding the visual aid while Ruth teaches the definition of "Values"
using actions
I chatted individually with various workers, I was "amazed" to find that the very first person I talked with was Joshua, the SU Coordinator for northern Uganda and he actually knew the Ugandan man, Bosco, who wrote that "fatal" email back on Sept. 14, 2009, asking us if they could have the Biblical values curriculum in Uganda. In fact, he co-taught (at a children's camp) with Bosco the module of curriculum that Bosco had received from our Philippine missionary friends who took a copy of the VOICE Curriculum to Uganda back in 2009. Wow...God's network is astonishing! Truth be told, I did struggle with a r
ush of emotion as I introduced ourselves to this special group of God's servants.  Following our sharing, Dickens asked all to stand and form a circle holding hands as several of the workers, including Joshua, prayed for us. We left encouraged and more convinced that God has gone before us and will direct our paths.


  1. Love hearing about these "divine appointments" & seeing what you (and God) are up to.
    Laura, I admire the courage you have to sit in the driver's seat in that kind of traffic.
    God bless you girls!
