Wednesday, December 4, 2013

CrossTalk Evangelism - First Fruits!

Showing the printer proofs of the CrossTalk tract
Concerned about the absence of Gospel literature in Uganda, several month ago I began e-mailing a publisher of evangelistic tract based in Dallas, Texas, who had generously provided tracts for the school ministry in the Philippines. Following some research with Scripture Union leadership, the Vice President of the Dallas based organization agreed to have their graphic artist adjust the drawings to better fit the African context.  He also agreed to a partnership of providing their Cross Talk tract for children.   

Dickens and Laura holding the first tracts
to be delivered
An order was given to a Printer here and Saturday I saw the first CrossTalks, fresh off the press.  The first copies were presented on Monday to Dickens, Scripture Union Director.  Then our SU friend, Beth, requested the tracts be tested today in a small group setting at her Christmas Party. What a joy to give orientation to the workers and then see them using the tract in sharing the Gospel to the children!  Seven children trusted Christ as Saviour in the small group who used those tracts.  Praise God!  

Susan sharing the CrossTalk during the
children's Christmas Party
A Scripture Union Camp leader has also decided to use the CrossTalk in her camp next week as well as teach the Honesty VOICE lessons.  Ruth and I will join twenty plus camp staff next week to help train and orientate these workers to this evangelism tool and to the VOICE curriculum. 

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE THIS! What a absolutely cool resource. Isn't God creative! Thank You Father for this marvelous tract and in advance, I thank You for using it in countless lives to bring girls and boys and men and women into Your kingdom. I especially thank You for the occasions You will give Ruth and Laura to use it in Uganda and pray those times will be Holy Spirit powered. In Jesus' worthy name I pray. Amen!
