Tuesday, May 5, 2015


Friday, May 1, was coming to a close—it had been a busy day filled with joy to have Laura home and especially since her appetite had finally kicked in and she was no longer fighting nausea. Dorcus, our helper, had not been able to come to work yet again (she’s down with Typhoid Fever but as of this writing, seems to have turned a corner toward recovery), so nursing and housekeeping had snatched every minute. As I prepared for bed, I lamented to the Lord that I had not spent any time with Him. I’ve just finished a study on the life of Moses with Bible Study Fellowship, and the book of Deuteronomy had come alive in a new way. So I decided to at least review a few of the verses that I had underlined during the study before pillowing my head. 

The first verse that caught my eye was Deuteronomy 2:7, 

“The Lord your God has blessed you in all of the work of your hands. He has watched over your journey through this vast desert. These forty years the Lord your God has been with you, and you have not lacked anything.”

The first thought that came into my mind was “this would be a good verse to send to someone who is celebrating their 40th birthday.” But then I began to calculate how many years I have been in full-time ministry. Immediately upon graduation from Bible School I joined Child Evangelism Fellowship Atlantic Canada. Hmmm…I graduated from Bible School in 1975…hmmm, that's 40 years ago…hmmm, …… it was right around this time! (I don’t remember the exact date but their graduations are the end of April/early May.) That just took my breath away! 

Yes, these forty years, God has blessed the work of my hands—despite all of my sinfulness and unbelief. He has watched over my journey from Canada to the Philippines to Uganda. He has been with me and I have lacked nothing. (For Laura, it’s been 41 years.) I felt very loved as I laid my head down! What a privilege to serve such a wonderful and faithful and loving God!


  1. Ruth, you and Laura have been such an inspiration to me and a testimony to God's faithfulness through many seasons. Thank you for sharing these precious thoughts. How good of the Lord to meet you at the end of the day with these words of encouragement. Congratulations on 40 years (and 41 for Laura) of fruitful service to our loving God...with more to come!

  2. Happy Anniversary! And it isn't over yet! You are such busy little beavers for the Lord and that's the way it should be. I love the song 'Work for the Night is Coming When Man's Work is done!"

  3. It's awesome when God speaks to us so personally. Thanks for sharing how He spoke these loving and encouraging words to you when you needed them so.

    Glad to hear Laura is improving. Praying you both get some much-needed rest.
