Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Ladies Arise

Most Tuesdays find Ruth and me in a nearby Kampala suburb, Ntinda, with 150 plus other ladies doing serious Bible Study in the Book of John.  The international group is known as BSF (Bible Study Fellowship).  As we discuss the Word and it’s application in our small groups, the thought has crossed my mind that some of these ladies would make great VEC (Values Education Class) volunteer teachers in the classroom.  Our colleague Beth agreed and a couple of weeks ago made a lunch appointment with the lecturer. Besides expressing appreciation for the blessing BSF has personally been, Beth and I explained the VOICE program to which the lecturer responded, “I love this, what do I need to do to teach?”  She purchased a pack of curriculum and said she would share with some of the ladies.Although we rejoiced with this enthusiastic response, we've been disappointed before with those who express delight in the programme...but never move ahead to the next step.

However, today the next step was taken...and we weren't ready for it! As we arrived, the lecturer asked us to give a short promotion on VOICE at the end of our BSF time...and we didn't even have a set of curriculum to show! Ruth did her best to briefly explain the program...especially encouraging them and their churches to take advantage of the great opportunity Ugandans have to take the Bible into their schools. Fortunately I had brought some fliers which I handed out to interested people as they went out.  AND, even a second step has been taken...a Training is now scheduled at her sister’s school for May 18 and 19!  Praise God for this wonderful opportunity and pray that the ladies of His choice will join the Training to be equipped to teach godly values to precious children in school classrooms.


  1. Great news! praising the Lord with you! Happy birthday, Laura!

  2. Have a wonderful time of rest and relaxation ladies. Happy birthday Laura! It's a privilege to pray for you both and for this great project that God is doing through you there. ❤
